View Full Version : Sharpening router bits for blackwood

1st August 2004, 09:30 PM
Hi all

Do router bits for blackwood need to be sharpened differently to the way they come "off the shelf"? Regardless of how lightly I make a cut I still have problems with the blackwood burning and major tearout. I'm using Carbatec 12mm pattern following and 12.5mm rounding over bits.

If there's a special way of sharpening them what do I need to specify when I take them in to be sharpened?

Any thoughts?

1st August 2004, 10:31 PM

I don't think the router bit's sharpness is the problem. Blackwood is much more prone to burning than say jarrah, but it may be partly due to your technique. Burning is usually caused by too slow a feed rate, and tear-out probably results from routing against the grain. If the grain is unfavourable, you may need to use a climb-cutting technique. But you need to be careful to take shallow cuts and to hold the router very firmly, when climb-cutting.
