View Full Version : welding

25th October 2011, 12:45 PM
I have a cig transtig 180 welder it seem to be playing up the problem is welding aluminum it does not form a puddle it seem to pit the surface and oxidize not penetrating the machine is on AC the gas is set right the AMP are right but no go any solution

25th October 2011, 01:42 PM
Welcome Rabbito,

Machine; do you seem to have full amps at the weld zone-if not then there is either a bad connection or if it is only sparking then a rectifier diode has died, there is not much else that can go wrong with one of these machines.

Gas; if the amps are up there, and the tungsten is not shiny on the end then you have gas problems-bad connection, handpiece gas/power fitting loose (inside the handle of the handpiece) handpiece gas tap wound out too far!

Jekyll and Hyde
25th October 2011, 07:00 PM
I have a cig transtig 180 welder it seem to be playing up the problem is welding aluminum it does not form a puddle it seem to pit the surface and oxidize not penetrating the machine is on AC the gas is set right the AMP are right but no go any solution

How thick is the aluminium?

27th October 2011, 11:12 PM
have you ground your tip correctly? I.e flat with a slight chamfer. What electrode are you using? thoriated (red paint) or Zirconaded (white) remember Aluminium is White (A-Z!!!!) and Red is steel. Ally takes longer to pool if you are used to steel as the heat transfer is far greater. You can increase the amps, or pre heat the job. You may also find that your gas shroud is the wrong shape or that the gas is coming out too fast and causing a vortex which draws in oxygen. A hole in your line may also act as a venturi. Make sure your ally is really clean, use a stainless wire brush, and only use it for ally. Is it changing state (HF) kicking out.?

29th October 2011, 11:21 PM
haven't got the 4T switch on and not hitting the torch trigger twice, to bring it up to full amps?