View Full Version : White oak?

24th April 2015, 12:49 PM
I'm new to Western Australia and the names for stuff over here are different for everything what I call a brown snake you call a dugite etc, anyway I was recently cutting what I thought was marri to slab for furniture and someone who saw me called it white oak I was wondering if it is the same thing or if they look similar, I don't want to waste my saw time if it's not what I'm after

29th April 2015, 12:16 PM
Marri timber often has prominent gum veins. The tree often has glassy red sap dripping from wounds on the bark.

Any chance of a picture of the cut timber and of the bark? That would help.

I've never heard of a tree native to the Perth region being called white oak. Come on sawyers, heard of white oak before?