View Full Version : 'Cutthroat Kitchen'

11th October 2015, 10:06 AM
I see channel 7 have a new cooking show...'Cutthroat Kitchen'
You'd reckon they could come up with a better title than that :(...MM

11th October 2015, 11:30 AM
I've been watching it for a while (from the states)... its actually a whole bunch of fun!!

Almost like red faces meets top chef

11th October 2015, 11:58 AM
its actually a whole bunch of fun!!
Don't doubt that at all
It's the title i have concerns about...totally inappropriate!...MM

KBs PensNmore
11th October 2015, 06:33 PM
Is it done inside a Prison :rolleyes:????

12th October 2015, 09:09 PM
Is it done inside a Prison :rolleyes:????With crumbed brains and boiled tongue on the menu :yucky:...MM

KBs PensNmore
12th October 2015, 10:51 PM

16th October 2015, 04:03 PM

Another cooking show aka get fat show which, of course will spawn another loser fat show.

Is this really the depth of entertainment we deserve or those dishing it up to viewers think this is what they deserve?

Robson Valley
26th October 2015, 10:30 AM
I tire of those shows. I need to have fish fur, gnat's eye lashes and ant's toenails in stock at my fingertips for the culinary triumph. Wrong.
Somebody gave me (another) cook book. What is outstanding about it is that every recipe in it's 3cm thickness has just 5 ingredients.
Not that being a minimalist makes my meals better, but to see a column of ingredients as long as the page makes me believe that the concept was not well thought out.

Do you people get the cooking show called "Chopped?" 3 chefs at a time, black box style, to do a juried appitizer, main course and dessert. You fail, you're "chopped".

26th October 2015, 10:56 AM
I don't mind chopped. At least it shows chefs (rather than home/amature cooks) coming up with dishes that arent planned to the last drop of olive oil and the judging panel are happy to tell the chefs what they really think.

I like cutthroat kitchen for the comedy element, but chopped certainly beats it for culinary skill. Top chef is still the favorite though

Robson Valley
26th October 2015, 01:00 PM
I appreciate innovation. When the black boxes on "Chopped" were opened, there have been times when I really felt sorry for the contestants. "What the Hello do I do with this sorry lot of crud?"
Then I saw a taco chip/corn meal sauce made for prawns. My tongue was on the floor.