View Full Version : Camphor Laurel as turning wood

24th April 2021, 01:00 AM
I like working this timber but I am always amazed at the variations in texture. A lot of woodworkers like to work 'colour' and reject sapwood as unworthy. I had such a piece in the wood pile but after turning I found this sapwood had the most remarkable 'quilting' within the sap. Not every tree has it but if you can find, then it is very desireable.


24th April 2021, 03:40 PM
I have a couple of plain chunks been sitting around for years after using all the good coloured bits. May have to have another look at what I've got. Thanks for posting that.

24th April 2021, 07:22 PM
I always try to retain as much of the sapwood as is practical. Why waste good wood! Besides, I reckon that contrast is the spice of life.

Some like to get an even amount of sapwood on opposite sides of bowls and platters. Sometimes that is what happens for me, but more often than not they come out asymmetrical, because that is what happens in trees... I guess a bit like me!

One of the practical considerations with retaining the sapwood is that it usually shrinks more than the heartwood. That has implications if green turning and drying.