View Full Version : Dust Collector

18th September 2007, 11:21 PM
G`day I have a problem with my machine where the bottom bag is held with the steel strap it doesn`t seem to seal properley have you people found a better way or am I doing something wrong dodgy bag maybe.
Thanks Mick:D

19th September 2007, 05:41 PM
G`day I have a problem with my machine where the bottom bag is held with the steel strap it doesn`t seem to seal properley have you people found a better way or am I doing something wrong dodgy bag maybe.
Thanks Mick:D

If it's plastic check for wrinkles and if you can't get them out tape the top of the bag in place as you install it then put the clamp on. (That's FM300 speak:))

19th September 2007, 10:42 PM
Arrrr I be hav'n this problem with every scurvey machine that has come abord my ship.

Floginn & keel haulin the lubber will do ye no good

get ye some velcro loop tape in adhesive and stick it arround the grove where the band seats..... thats a start...... it wears better than foam tape.

have a good look whhere the band and clip overlap..... on some machines it can help to ease the edges so there is less of a step there.

fair winds me hardy.... arrrrrrr

20th September 2007, 12:14 AM
G`day thanks soundman I will give that a try.
thanks Mick:D