View Full Version : Take 2-- Goblet with a full makeover

16th November 2008, 07:26 PM
Hi Do you remember this goblet...Well she has had a total make over.
Now this is now what do you think? This has been done with pyrography and a CA finish on the outside of the goblet.

Thanks for time

Bye Toni

PS please ignore the base as it is still on the lathe getting it finish but was just bursting to show.

Manuka Jock
16th November 2008, 09:13 PM
Beautiful roses Toni

Ad de Crom
16th November 2008, 09:47 PM
Toni, always difficult to develop a new technic, asking a lot of patience.
Go for it, for what you did it looks very nice.
Take a look to the website of Pam Reilly, she developed her own mosaic technic on hollow forms. http://turnedoutfantastic.home.att.net
Maybe this gives you more inspiration?
Ad :2tsup:

Skew ChiDAMN!!
16th November 2008, 09:53 PM
It looks like a completely different goblet now... very elegant! :2tsup:

16th November 2008, 10:21 PM
thanks I am much happier with this one.
bye Toni

17th November 2008, 09:02 AM
Looking really good Toni :2tsup: Let's hope parting it off the base goes well - would hate to see it bounce around the workshop!:doh:

Ed Reiss
17th November 2008, 12:53 PM
Headed in the right direction Tony:2tsup:

17th November 2008, 05:39 PM
Vern you hold your tounge. LOL I too have been thinking of that. I will be on my guard to try and protect it
bye Toni

17th November 2008, 06:06 PM
A definite improvement IMHO. Congratulations. When I am too scared to part something like that completely on the lathe, I go down with the parting tool as far as I feel safe, then take the goblet off the lathe, complete the cut with the bandsaw then sandpaper off the stump in the centre of the foot. Maybe not ortodox and much slower, but that's the price I am prepared to pay while i learn...

Skew ChiDAMN!!
17th November 2008, 06:11 PM
Vern you hold your tounge. LOL I too have been thinking of that. I will be on my guard to try and protect it
bye Toni

Don't cup your fingers around the bowl to try to steady it! A slight grab and the next thing you know it's in two pieces... the bowl in your hand and the stem still in the chuck. DAMHIKT. :p

I use the parting tool to cut matbe 3/4 of the way through and then reach my left arm over the chuck with the forefinger & thumb gently cradling the top of the stem just below the bowl. The right hand finishes parting off. At worst you'll get almost all the way through & the goblet will "wobble" and break free as your LH tries to steady it. That simply means you'll need to do some clean up work with a sharp chisel & sandpaper under the foot, but you normally need to do that anyway.

Don't wear loose clothing while doing this though! We wouldn't want to hear about bits of you being wound up into the chuck... :wink:

17th November 2008, 06:26 PM
she is off intact with no crashes or bang. Phew I am releived and very happy with the outcome. but now I got the outside looking really nice i need to practise at getting inside a nice finish. Well need to make more than won't i
bye Toni

Manuka Jock
17th November 2008, 06:30 PM

Sawdust Maker
17th November 2008, 09:09 PM
110% improvement on the first 'funky' design
well done

18th November 2008, 09:00 AM
Much nicer shape now Toni more like a Tulip, thinner stem the paint work is a big improvement :2tsup:

Now a decent timber and set of 6 or 8 exactly the same :; say's he who hasn't produced 2 of the same of anything yet :doh: .......................not for lack of trying

Gil Jones
18th November 2008, 02:45 PM
Hi Toni,
You should be happy!!
It is a fine looking goblet, and very nice flowers too. :2tsup:

18th November 2008, 02:51 PM
I have attached this one it might be a better picture of the roses
bye Toni

PS thank you for the positive feedback. Been a long time since I did something that I felt good about on the lathe so I am glad. Don't get to play as much and the old eye goes out so it is nice to have some success. :D

18th November 2008, 02:54 PM
Much nicer shape now Toni more like a Tulip, thinner stem the paint work is a big improvement :2tsup:

Now a decent timber and set of 6 or 8 exactly the same :; say's he who hasn't produced 2 of the same of anything yet :doh: .......................not for lack of trying

Ray you are asking the wrong person for that I have even made the same pen twice. Or even crocheting I never have 2 squares the same colour. Change is as good as a holiday well then I am on a permanent one. LOL
bye Toni

18th November 2008, 04:10 PM
Ray you are asking the wrong person for that I have even made the same pen twice. Or even crocheting I never have 2 squares the same colour. Change is as good as a holiday well then I am on a permanent one. LOL
bye Toni

These then become one off's rare items Hand Crafted Heirlooms :p

Use the same colour yarn may work